You may remember back in October when we went to Atlanta for Laura and Jeremy’s wedding. This time it was Beth & Josh’s turn to tie the knot. I’d been stressing about the dates ever since mid-November when we found out that Mackenzie’s first dance recital was going to be one of the first two weekends in June. I kept my fingers crossed that it wouldn’t be June 5th. It was, of course.
Tag Archives: grandma
Nine Years
Right around this time nine years ago, this is what I was doing..
Friday Five – About Me
I’m still working on my recaps for the Walt Disney World Marathon and the ZOOMA Florida 12K (soon, promise!), but I’m taking a break from those to link up with Courtney, Cynthia and Mar for the Friday Five.
We’re Still Alive!
Well hello there strangers! It’s been a while. Things have been busy around here and I haven’t had a chance to sit down and write. I’m going to try to catch y’all up on the big things that have been going on now so this may be a little long. I promise lots of pictures and not too much yacking from me though! Ready?
Mackenzie’s 3rd Birthday Party at MyGym
First, please forgive me if this post is a disjointed mess — I’m sitting in a Pokemon club with Braden and 10 other little boys. It’s seriously hilarious how seriously they take their Pokemon cards, particularly since none of them seem to have any clue what is going on and the rules keep changing depending on.. I have no clue.
Summer Days
So, you know how I’ve been griping for the last few months about how busy work is and how I barely have time for anything outside of work and family time? I’m so, so happy to say that it is over! The deadline we’ve been working toward was June 26th and I am so, so glad that it has passed AND that I got all of my work done on time – SUCH a relief!!
Coffee Date
It’s time to catch you up on what we’ve been up to again! I’m linking up with Jill, Nikki, and Lynda for the ultimate coffee date! I’m late, again, thanks to work. I keep thinking this busy cycle is coming to an end, but then it doesn’t. It’s not as bad as it has been though, I’m actually able to snuggle my little ones and put them to bed at night. Mackenzie kind of broke my heart a little bit the other night. I was finishing up some work while Adam bathed them and when I went upstairs to help get them to bed, she said “Mommy, you have to work? Or is it cuddle time?” I hate that my busy work schedule affects them. I can’t complain too much though, I’m able to work from home most days and my boss is great about letting me take off when I need to.
Playing Catch Up
Instead of bombarding you with a million blog posts, I’m going to compress them all into one big update on what we’ve been up to for the last month or so. We’ve been busy, busy, busy. Marathon training is exhausting. Work is crazy. It’s all just been overwhelming, so something had to go.. and writing was it.
Doing Disney (Again)
This was the last free weekend we had before the blackout dates for our season passes to Disney started, so we took off Friday and made a long weekend out of it! I’m a little bummed that we won’t be able to visit the parks over the summer since the kids love it so much, but I’m thinking the crowds and heat would make it miserable so maybe we aren’t missing out on too much.
Getting Ready for Easter
I work from home four days a week, so by the time the weekend rolls around, the last thing that I want to do is sit around the house. Adam and the kids, on the other hand, are out of the house most of the day during the week, so they really enjoy being home on the weekend. I think today was pretty much the best compromise we could have hoped for. We were crazy busy, but had so much fun.