Happy Friday! This has been.. a week. Holy geez. I kind of can’t believe it is already Friday. Sunday afternoon at Hollywood Studios, I started getting a headache, with a point right behind my right eye that was throbbing. By the time we got home, it was a full-blown headache and I was off to bed.
It’s Friday again, which means I am linking up with Courtney, Cynthia and Mar for the Friday Five. This week there’s no theme, so I’m going to share five things that I am looking forward to.
I’m still working on my recaps for the Walt Disney World Marathon and the ZOOMA Florida 12K (soon, promise!), but I’m taking a break from those to link up with Courtney, Cynthia and Mar for the Friday Five.
1. Garth Brooks is coming to Jacksonville and I got tickets to see him!! Floor seats!! After how quickly his shows in Chicago and Atlanta sold out, I was paranoid about not being able to get tickets, especially since I was trying to get six together. I got really lucky though thanks to a tip from my cousin, Amanda! I seriously cannot wait – I was a little bit obsessed with him when I was younger (*NSYNC and Backstreet Boys had nothing on him in my teenage mind!) but the last time he was here in concert was 17 years ago and my parents thought I was too young to go (I was 15).
It’s been a busy week around here and I’m really looking forward to a nice, relaxing weekend with Adam and my little ones. Oh, who am I kidding, it’s not likely to be relaxing, but I’m looking forward to hanging out with them and finishing up our Christmas decorating. Braden requested pancakes for breakfast tomorrow morning too — definitely looking forward to that!
Oh my goodness, talk about a crazy week. I have a huge deadline at work next week and it seems like it’s just one thing after another around here! I have a million things I want to write about and absolutely NO time to do it, blah! This weekend is going to be another crazy one — I have to work, do a million loads of laundry, run 20 miles, watch Florida State crush Miami, spend time with my cousin and her boyfriend (they’re in town for the Florida/Georgia game) and try to get things packed for the kids to spend a long weekend with Grandma and Grandpa while Adam and I head to Disney for the Wine and Dine half. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to arriving in Orlando, heading to Epcot, and relaxing with a nice, big glass of wine and some yummy treats!
This week has absolutely FLOWN by. I feel like it just started and it is already over with. I thought work was going to slow down a bit, but it hasn’t at all — we’re still crazy busy and probably will be at least through mid-November. It’s keeping me from blogging, so I figured a quick Five Things Friday post would kind of get me caught up! Here we go!
How is it already Friday?! This week flew by for me — I guess the combination of a short week, plus the fact that work is really busy right now helped. I wish I could say things were going to slow down soon, but there is no end in sight. I can’t complain though, having too much work is better than having none, right?
Geez Louise, I am one tired girl. Work is insane right now and I feel like my head is constantly spinning with so much going on in it. I’m late, but it’s still Friday, at least for another two hours.. so here are my five things for this Friday!
I haven’t felt like writing much this week. I’ve been sick and thinking about Sammy a lot. We had a lot going on and we’ve been crazy busy though, so I have lots to keep me busy next week. I ran four races last weekend – a 4 mile beach run, 5k, 1 mile sprint, and another 5k – so I have recaps for those plus a super exciting one all about Braden’s first day of Kindergarten. (Here’s a spoiler – he LOVED it!!) Until then, here’s a few things going on right now..