It’s been a little over two weeks since my last post about what we’re up to, so I figured we’re due!
Last Monday, Buddy had surgery to remove a tumor from his eye lid which had caused an ulcer to form on his eye. We were a little worried about it being cancerous, but thankfully it wasn’t and he’s pretty much recovered now. Braden was awesome at giving him attention and head rubs while he wasn’t feeling so hot. Bud says being 11 is hard.
On Tuesday on our way to the playground, Braden decided it was time to teach Kenz to drive. That was a bit of a disaster. 😉
And on Wednesday, we picked up Mackenzie’s dance recital costume. I cannot wait to see her and her dance friends on stage next month, it’s going to be so stinking cute!
Thursday after school, Braden’s Cub Scout buddies went to the Naval Air Station to visit with one of the helicopter squadrons. The boys had a blast, each one got to climb up in the cockpit and ask the pilot questions and push buttons. Pretty much six-year-old heaven.
Saturday we spent the day with our friends relaxing by their pool, eating ridiculous amounts of yummy food, and riding jet skis.
And I picked up this cake at Whole Foods on our way over there. I’m not really a big fan of cake, but they had samples of it in the store and after tasting it, Braden insisted that I buy it. It was amazing and I need to figure out how to duplicate the recipe at home!
Sunday was Mother’s Day so Adam and the kids made me homemade waffles with nutella, strawberries, and blueberries on top with a side of pineapple (my most favorite fruit ever) and bacon.
Then we spent the rest of the afternoon at our neighborhood pool. This picture cracks me up. I asked the kids to come over so I could take their picture and they wouldn’t get anywhere near each other, so I told them to act like they like each other just for the picture and Kenz grabs Braden and starts yelling “We like each other!!” It was hilarious.. at least to me. Braden did not agree.
After an uneventful week, we spent Friday night at the Jacksonville Suns game with Braden’s Cub Scout pack. The boys got to go out on the field before the game and then watch fireworks afterward. We need to go to Suns games more often because it was a lot of fun!
Ohh, and to rewind a bit, I was off work on Friday! I decided to take a day for myself, so I went to Starbucks and Target, then got a pedicure, then chopped 10 inches off of my hair!
I love it so much and it feels SO much better! I hope you’re all having a great week!

I love your haircut – so cute!
Thanks Abby!