Because we didn’t have enough crammed into the already busy Easter weekend, Adam and I decided to do the Run Rabbit Run 5K with some of our friends. I heard so many good things about the race last year, so I was eager to sign up. The course starts at the entrance to Queens Harbor Yacht & Country Club and you run along the neighborhood streets. It wasn’t at all congested and the scenery is gorgeous (especially if you’re like me and love looking at big, beautiful houses!).
This was another Ultimate Racing Signature event so we had all of the goodies you can expect with those – awesome die cast medals, customized bibs, great race tees, amazing prizes, and of course a fun finish line party!
We met up with Aleisha, Carter, Greg, and Graham before the race began and chatted for a bit. I didn’t have a goal time (neither did Adam) but Aleisha really wanted to run a PR, so she was shooting for under 25 minutes, if I remember correctly. All but Carter ran the 5K, so after the 10Kers lined up and were off, we walked over to the starting line.
Somehow Aleisha convinced me to line up in the front with her. The race was gun timed, so she wanted to make sure she crossed the start as soon as the clock started. Not such a great idea for the “I’ll just run these races on the weekend and not run during the week” training I’ve been doing.
When the race director yelled go, everyone took off. I didn’t want to be in anyones way, so I did my best to keep up and not get trampled until I was safely able to scoot over to the side and slow down to my normal pace. Lesson learned, no more lining up with Aleisha, at least not until I’m running regularly again!
You can kind of see me below, in the turquoise tank and gray capris. See how everyone else ahead of me is blurry, that’s because they were so freaking fast!
The 5K portion of the race was an out and back, which I loved. I got to see Aleisha running back toward the start and she was the fourth female! Adam lined up closer to the back and passed me just before we turned around at the half way point. Seriously, he has not run AT ALL since the Sweetheart 5K in February, and he ran really well. I’m beginning to think that a lot of my problems are mental. As in, I think I can’t do it when really I just need to push myself and just do it. Hmm..
Anyway, I’d just met Greg that morning, he’s a friend of Carter’s. We kept passing each other in the last mile so when we had about a quarter of a mile left to go, we said something along the lines of “let’s do this” and ran it in together. My official finish time was 32:10.
Did I mention how hot it was? And humid? Because holy geez it was! I actually had my jacket on while we were waiting to start because I was freezing, but once we started running it was like a sauna. Gotta love Florida “spring time” weather!
We didn’t plan to stay for very long afterward because we had to get back home (which was a 40-ish minute drive) to get to our neighborhood Easter egg hunt, but the Ultimate Racing team does such a great job with the finish line parties that we decided to at least stay for a bit.
I’m so glad we did! All of the runners got Chick-fil-a chicken biscuits, which were SO good after running. They also had Natalie’s Orange Juice, Lemonade, and Strawberry Lemonade plus fruit cups from Edible Arrangements.
I know I’ve said this before, but I’ve really been enjoying the Ultimate Racing events. They really seem to care about their runners and focus on the little things that make us happy after a race.
For example, we were given tickets for the chicken biscuits with our packets and Aleisha forgot hers at home (she lives in the neighborhood). She asked one of the UR staff members if she needed to go back to get it, and they went out of their way to find another ticket for her, so she didn’t have to run back to the house to get it. Little things like that make a big difference.
I also love that the races aren’t super crowded. There are enough runners/walkers there that it absolutely feels like a racing environment, but you’re not shoulder-to-shoulder and crowded. I really liked the speed limit sign on the course too, though I’m not sure that UR had anything to do with that. It clocked me at a whopping six miles per hour when I ran by!
After we ate, we grabbed the print outs with our official finish times and Aleisha found out she officially PR’d and we were pretty sure that her time of 24:11 meant she placed in our age group.. she was bummed when they didn’t call her for second or third place, but did a 180 when the called out the first place finisher..
Carter also placed in his age group – yay for speedy friends!!
After every race we run, I come home amped up and ready to start running regularly again, and then.. nada. I told Adam over the weekend that I need him to start kicking me out of bed in the morning to make me get up and run. The actual running isn’t my problem, it’s the getting out of my big, comfy bed. He didn’t do it this morning, but we had a late night last night, so hopefully tomorrow..
Actually, I took Rex for a walk/run yesterday and he really seemed to like it. When we took walk breaks, he kept jumping on me, as if he was asking to run again. I thought about starting the Couch to 5K program with him, to slowly build him up to where he can run three miles with me a few mornings a week. He ran for several minutes this weekend though, so maybe I could start him a few weeks in. I’ll have to look at the program again.
Anyway, I took this weekend off from races to spend some much needed time with the family and some friends who are like family. Next Saturday, we’re all doing the Run to the Sun fun run to raise money for Braden’s school. The following Saturday, I’m doing the Wine & Chocolate 5K with some girlfriends, followed by girls night out – I’m definitely looking forward to that one. Then in May, we have the 210 West Challenge and the Kids Run Jax series that Braden and Mackenzie are looking forward to!
So many amazing races to run, I need to get out there and RUN!!
Disclosure: As a brand ambassador for Ultimate Racing Inc, I received a free entry into this race. As always, all opinions are my own!

The mental struggle is half the battle.
It’s really hard to get back into it once you’re in a rut. I get so down on myself when I skip a training run or wimp out of pushing harder. Eventually, it becomes habit again. The time change didn’t help anything – getting up to run when it’s pitch black outside stinks.
Jenn recently posted…weekly recap: 4/5 – 4/11
Yes it does. Adam set an alarm on his phone for tomorrow and I think he’s excited about kicking me out of bed
Hopefully it helps!
Sounds like you had a great race and hey you got up and out the door to do this one!
Good for you!! 

Tricia @ MissSippiPiddlin recently posted…Tuesday’s Tips – Staying Positive
Thanks Tricia! Now I just need to make it happen a few times a week, instead of just every other weekend or so!
The mental part is my biggest problem. I was able to break through that for my 10K a few weeks ago, but I am struggling again during weekly runs. I am thinking about doing the Wine and Chocolate run. I am not a huge wine person, but I love chocolate.
It’s crazy that our minds can be that detrimental to our running! I ran this morning and it was a struggle. I keep telling myself that the more I do it, the easier it will get. The heat & humidity isn’t helping though.
I’m doing the Wine & Chocolate Run with three of my girlfriends – we’re all wine & chocolate lovers – can’t wait!!
Have you considered a coach? I love mine. She was way more affordable than I thought. Plus having someone to be accountable too keeps me going.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Random Thoughts on Weight Loss
I thought about it this morning when I was running, the person on the podcast I was listening to was talking about how it really changed her running game. I need to look into the cost I guess, I always assumed that a coach would be crazy expensive. The accountability is big for me – I run on my own a lot so having someone I have to report back to would probably help a lot.