For as long as I’ve been a runner, I’ve been told that the one race you want to avoid running in Jax is the Marine Corps Half. Not just from one person, but from nearly every single person I know that has run it in the past. The main complaints are the terrible weather (it’s hot and humid!) and that the end of the course is brutal. You run up a pedestrian bridge, over the rail road tracks, then have to run down a spiral ramp. Then you run, in full sun, along the river. That part sounds nice, but not when it’s 85 degrees in full sun!
Early last month, I ran the Run Diva 5K as part of my partnership with Ultimate Racing. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again, but if you haven’t run any of the UR races, you’re missing out!
This is one of those things that should probably be filed under “not my best idea ever”. It worked out though and I had fun, so I guess it was not my worst idea ever. All I know is I was one tired mama the next day! So what was this silly thing that I did??
In my catch-up post a week or so ago, I mentioned that I didn’t camp out with Adam and the kids at the last Cub Scout camp out because I had a race Saturday morning, the 210W Challenge in St. Augustine. I probably could have camped out, but the idea of sleeping in a tent and then getting up to run the next morning was just not at all appealing to me.
Unlike the race itself, my recap of the Wine & Chocolate 5K is going to be a quickie! Mostly because it was like a month ago and I don’t really remember many details, but also because I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in and the back log of posts I have to write is starting to make me anxious.
Because we didn’t have enough crammed into the already busy Easter weekend, Adam and I decided to do the Run Rabbit Run 5K with some of our friends. I heard so many good things about the race last year, so I was eager to sign up. The course starts at the entrance to Queens Harbor Yacht & Country Club and you run along the neighborhood streets. It wasn’t at all congested and the scenery is gorgeous (especially if you’re like me and love looking at big, beautiful houses!).
Borland-Groover’s March To Get Screened 5K raises funds for research and education for Colon Cancer, the second leading cancer death. Every dollar raised by participants goes to the BGC Foundation and further education, research, prevention and a cure for Colon Cancer.
The 2015 Gate River Run 15K.. aka the really fun race in Jacksonville that was really freaking hot this year! Not that it really mattered to me, since I didn’t have a time goal this year. In fact, I went into this race determined to have fun and not stress over time so I made it my goal to PR in drink stops. Spoiler Alert – I totally hit my goal!
This past Saturday, Mackenzie and I ran the 2015 8K River Day race at Grace Episcopal Day School. I was unable to run it last year but heard lots of good things about the event, so I was excited to add it to my calendar this year. It’s super close to my house (I left the house 45 minutes before gun time!) and I love running down River Road in Orange Park, it’s beautiful.
This past weekend, Adam and I (along with some friends) ran the Sweetheart 5K at the St. John’s Town Center. The race started and ended at Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails and while it was small, it was probably one of the most fun local races that I’ve run.