We alternate who we spend Thanksgiving with every year, so since we were in Bainbridge last year, we headed down to Inverness to visit Adam’s family this year. We took Uncle Allen with us and had a great time. B loved it, of course – he spent the entire day playing with Kayla & Tegan. He loves his cousins
Happy Thanksgiving!
Uncle Chuck & Aunt Vicki
We headed down to Inverness for the weekend to visit with Adam’s family – his Uncle Chuck and Aunt Vicki were in town visiting from the Outer Banks – they haven’t seen Braden since he was itty-bitty, and we kind of like them (ha!), so we decided to make the trek down South. We spent the day Saturday at Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park with them plus Adam’s mom, brother and Ashley (Justin’s girlfriends daughter).
The park is really beautiful – all of the animals (except for Lu the Hippo) are native to Florida. I particularly enjoyed watching the manatees from the underwater observatory – it is so amazing to watch animals in their natural habitat.
Hanging out with Mommy
Lu having a bite to eat
Mr. B drinking out of a big boy bottle
“Deadbeat Adam” is FINALLY paying for something
Justin, Ashley and Vicki bravely crossing the infamous bird poop bridge
Barefoot with ice cream – such a Florida boy!
In the underwater observatory
B loved watching the manatees and fish
Manatee Braden!
Trying to get a cute picture..
..but B just wants to play in the water!
“Hey Mom – this old guy is goofy looking!”
Pool time with Daddy
Such a little water baby – he LOVES it!
Goodbye Grandpa
We didn’t do much today, just relaxed around the house and enjoyed one anothers company. Dinner tonight was in honor of Grandpa Rittner. He didn’t want a big to-do, so we got the family together and went to dinner at one of his favorite restaurants – the Cove. The best chicken wings in a trailer park. Seriously though, they are REALLY good. It was a really nice way to remember him.

B loves his apples and blueberries!

Playing with Ashley

He loves that duckie!

So cute!

Bellying up to the bar wtih Daddy.

Love him!

The Family
On the move, very soon!
We’re still down in Inverness. We spent the day shopping for new living room furniture in Ocala for Adam’s mom, she found a really cute set, yay! We had Panera (YUM!) for lunch. I seriously think I might have a problem.. I think I’m addicted to Panera. It’s just so stinking good!
I think someone is going to be on the move SOON!