Baby Noni is here!

Braden’s baby sister arrived today! She weighs 8 pounds, 10 ounces and is 19 inches long. She is just perfect! Pics and all to come soon!

Baby Noni – you’ve been served.

Eviction Notice for Baby Noni

July 20, 2011

Dear Ma’am,

Please note that today is July 20th, 2011, which is 4 days past the “Due Date” referenced in the lease that you agreed to approximately nine months ago, and thus the date by which you were supposed to vacate your current premises.

Following a routine inspection, I have been informed that you have not yet made sufficient preparations to vacate the premises. Please note that if your departure continues at this pace, you will be in violation of the lease, which was entered into in good faith, with the expectation that you would honor its terms. Accordingly, I have no choice but to advise you that if you do not voluntarily remove yourself from the premises within the next 7 days, I will have no choice but to commence formal eviction proceedings, and I have already put the proper authorities on notice.

As you have been repeatedly advised, your new accommodations are ready and awaiting your arrival, so your cooperation in voluntarily moving out of the current premises, avoiding the time and inconvenience of more formal proceedings, would be much appreciated. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Mom, Dad and Big Brother Braden

Baby Noni is Coming on Friday, per Braden

Braden would like everyone to know that his baby sister is currently residing in his ear. He says that she told him her birthday is on Friday. How crazy would it be if he is right?!

40 weeks! Happy Due Date!!

I can’t believe that Baby Noni’s due date is already here! This pregnancy has absolutely FLOWN by. I had my 40-week appointment, I’m still 3cm and now 70% effaced. Baby is at -2 station. Dr. G offered to strip my membranes, but we declined. So we’re still waiting! She also scheduled me for a Non-Stress Test (NST) on Friday at 10:30, so Adam thinks she’ll come on Thursday now :) Basically the NST just makes sure that she’s doing okay in there and getting enough oxygen, it also monitors contractions. If the results are good, we’ll continue to wait. If not, we’ll talk induction.. so cross your fingers for good results!

I’ve been having a weird pain really low in my abdomen, like a very sharp cramp. Not consistent or timeable, not like a contraction, just like a sharp cramp off and on all day. Dr. G said it’s probably the kid pushing her head down in there.

Hopefully this is my last belly picture!

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