This was probably the most fun I’ve ever had at a race. I’ve been really looking forward to the Florida Striders Memorial Day 5K for a few reasons — some friends (Jenn from Runs with Pugs and Devon from The Food Bitch Blog) were running with us, our kids were running the 1-mile fun run, and it was the first race I was running against with my brother.
I know, I know.. run your own race at your own pace and all of that stuff. Normally I am right there with you. But.. it’s my brother. We’ve been in competition since we were little, it’s just what we do. And he always beats me with this kind of stuff, ALWAYS. Seriously, he lives off of pop tarts and frozen pizza and still has a six pack, it’s not fair! He started running again a few months ago (he ran track when he was younger) and I know it won’t be long before he’s zipping right by me at races, so I have to enjoy the little bit of speed I have on him while I can!
Start of the race — that’s my brother over my right shoulder in the yellow shirt. My husband is in white just a few steps behind him.
That’s not the only reason I was excited though, not by a long shot! One of my very good friends (and her husband!) recently completed Couch to 5K (which is also how I got my start) and this was her first race! I couldn’t wait to watch them cross the finish line, I get so excited for my friends and love being able to share such a fun and healthy activity with them (not that I don’t love my girls nights with lots of delicious food and wine too, those are totally healthy, just in a different way!).
Anyway, back to the race. This was my first official 5K, so no matter what it was going to be a PR for me. I had three goals in mind, as usual. I was a bit worried about hitting them, since I twisted my ankle a few days before the race and it was still a bit sore. I decided not to change my goals though since it seemed okay on race morning.
Race Day Goals:
A – Have an average pace that starts with an 8. Even 8:59 will make me happy!
B – Beat my little brother.
C – Finish in under 30 minutes.
I’m so happy to say that it was an A goal kind of day! I finished in 27:23, for an average pace of 8:49. Adam finished in 28:00 and Damian in 27:59. I wish I could have seen the two of them at the end. Apparently Damian was a bit behind Adam as they closed in on the finish line. Adam judged the distance to the finish wrong and ran out of gas just before the finish, while Damian was determined to beat him and literally came out from behind him and in the last few seconds pulled just a step ahead to finish one second sooner.
Naturally, being me, I forgot to stop my watch so my splits are a little screwy. They look to be about 8:33, 8:49, 8:49.
We collected our medals and made our way over to the side where my parents, the kids, and Damian’s girlfriend were waiting for us so we could watch Jenn, Keith, and Devon as they finished.
Mackenzie was not impressed.
Once we all finished and cooled off, we headed back over to the starting line for the 1-Mile Fun Run. I’m still figuring out the jogging stroller so Jenn and I walked it while the boys ran and Mackenzie enjoyed the ride.
It’s so much more fun having friends and family to run with and cheer for you at the finish line. I’ve done a few races on my own and they are nowhere near as much fun as this was. We’re doing the Celebration 5K as a family in July and I’m really looking forward to it.
Braden is thrilled with the new addition to his medal collection — we’re going to have to buy him his own medal rack before too long!
Mackenzie earned a medal for her efforts as well.. she’d like you to know that cruising along in a jogging stroller is not as easy and effortless as she makes it look. And also, she loves her Uncle D.

This was so much fun! I can’t wait until we can all do it again! You guys were such a great support for us! <3
And Mackenzie did make riding in that jogging stroller look easy. And tempting. I wouldn't mind giving it a try one time.

Jenn recently posted…5-10K week 4, day 2 {6.10.2013} & surgery update
We must do it again soon!! As soon as you’re recovered from surgery, we will have to find one to do!
What a fun race! Love that your family participated. Great job on meeting your goals!
Thank you, Ashley!
GREAT JOB on your first 5k! I love all of your pictures, especially those of the kids. I love that your whole family was involved!
jan recently posted…Another Workout App – Sworkit
Thanks so much, Jan! It’s SO much more fun to cross the finish line when my family is there cheering for me (even though they totally missed seeing me, ha!) – especially my babies!
I’ve never broken a 9 minute mile pace in any race so that is a big goal for me too. Amazing job!
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Batter Up!
Thank you, Abby! I don’t think it’s happening again anytime soon! The humidity and heat is really getting to me.