Unlike the race itself, my recap of the Wine & Chocolate 5K is going to be a quickie! Mostly because it was like a month ago and I don’t really remember many details, but also because I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in and the back log of posts I have to write is starting to make me anxious.
So, here we go! The Wine & Chocolate 5K was on April 25th in San Marco. For those of you not familiar with San Marco, it’s probably one of my favorite places to run in Jax. There are beautiful old homes and just so much stuff to look at while you’re running. I like that, it keeps me distracted from the actual running part not being fun, which was definitely the case for this race.
It’s Florida and 4:30 is probably not the best time of day to run a race, plus throw in the fact that it looked like the bottom was about to fall out at the start (AKA holy humidity!!) and it was just not an ideal day to race. And oh yeah, I was out of shape! Formula for success, right?! Ha, wrong!
The good news is I had these lovely ladies to chat with at the start – some of best friends a girl could ask for! Just a FYI, this was actually after the race, we didn’t hydrate with wine.. well, not until afterward anyway.
The course was nice, mostly shaded and mostly flat. I had been running a bit, doing 5/:30 intervals, so I stuck with that for the race. I had to walk more than the :30 in the last half or so, because I was just hot. Totally not acclimated to the weather! My official finish time was 33:17 (my splits were 9:38, 10:48, 11:23, 8:50) and given the lack of training and the heat, I was totally happy with that. (All the details are on Strava.)
As we finished, the volunteers handed us a towel to dry off with (pretty much everyone was dripping in sweat!) and a wine glass. Once we all finished, we wandered over to grab some wine and chocolate. The lines were pretty long, but they moved fast. There was also a cheese and cracker table, but it was pretty picked over by the time we made it there. Peterbrooke, a local chocolatier, was giving away chocolate covered popcorn samples and gelato. While we were watching the awards (Aleisha was 4th in our age group, so we thought she may have placed) ceremony, the heavens opened and the bottom fell out. It was kind of funny seeing the runners scatter.
We ended up waiting out the storm in a Pure Barre studio, which was perfect because I’d been curious about their workouts. The owner gave us info on their program and kept our wine glasses refilled until the storm passed. It was a bad one too – we watched the speakers at the finish line blow over, some of the tents almost blew over, streets flooded, trees were down.. it was a mess.
After the race, the four of us went out for Thai food and some wonderful girl time. We’re due for another girls dinner soon, we better get to planning it! Also, I just realized that I have no clue why I thought capri’s (and long ones at that) were a good wardrobe choice for this race. Not so smart, Kristin!

Good job!!! Running in the humidity is the WORST so more power to ya! And random, but how long after having Braden and Mackenzie until you started running or working out again?
Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…Was It Really That Long Ago?!
I actually started running (again) after I had kids – Mackenzie was a year old. I ran briefly between kids, but after a miscarriage I was paranoid when I got pregnant with Kenz so I didn’t run at all. I’ve run off and on since college.
I wondered about that race. I has taken me a bit to adjust to the heat and I am not sure I am there yet! We have a race re-cap link up going on you can click on my blog post- http://tutusandtennies.com/?p=2266 to get the details. Try the Pure Barre class- my best friend is an instructor in Georgia- I did 2 of her classes this past weekend, it is a killer workout!
That’s what I’ve heard – I definitely want to try it and Orange Theory!