It’s taper time! I’m kind of in denial that in less than two weeks I’ll be running a marathon. That seems insane. It is insane, actually. I’ll be honest, training has been hard. Work is still so busy and there’s not much I can do about it. I’m doing the best I can though. I’m starting to get really nervous about the race. I know I’ve done the training, I know in my head I can do it, but it still seems SO crazy. My next weekly workout recap will have the marathon results — AHHH!
Marathon Training – Week 17:
- Monday – Easy 5 – Ran an easy 5 miles with the Moms Run This Town girls, I love having them to chat with along the way, makes the miles fly by!
- Tuesday – Cross Train – Does a marathon house cleaning/packing session count as cross training??
- Wednesday – Cross Train – I went to the Good Form Running Clinic at 1st Place Sports. We did a quick jog around the parking lot, nothing big. Planned to go to Power Yoga afterward at the gym, but the instructor was a no-show. It worked out since I had a mile long to-do list waiting for me when I got home.
- Thursday - 7 Tempo (1 WU, 5T, 1 CD) – Didn’t happen. Had to work, then drove to Orlando for the runDisney Meet-Up. We did an easy 2ish miles (not sure on the exact distance or pace, didn’t wear my watch) around Epcot.
- Friday – Rest – I ate and drank my way around the world!
We had fun at the Expo and Food & Wine festival. Probably should have rested more, oh well!
- Saturday – Wine & Dine Half – Ran 13.34 miles @ 10:01 pace. The race was great, I was not. I’ll get my race recap up soon, but it was definitely not a good night for me.
- Sunday – Rest – We had the ZOOMA Training Kick-Off run this morning. I covered 3 a little over miles but I have no clue how fast, I ran 3/4 of the way then went back to try to find part of the group that got separated from us, but they went the wrong way and beat me back to the store. Still a fun time! More details on it soon!
Marathon Training – Week 18:
- Monday – Easy 5 – Took a rest day since I was supposed to rest yesterday and I didn’t.
- Tuesday – Easy 3 – Ran an easy 3 miles with my running buddy around the neighborhood – 3.33 miles at 10:31.
- Wednesday – Cross Train – Power Yoga! Our normal teacher is still out so we had a sub and it was interesting. I enjoyed it, but it was a huge change from the normal, relaxing class. She had us doing hand stands and some crazy moves I’ve never done before. It was a nice change, but I miss our normal teacher!
- Thursday - 4 Negative Splits 2/2 – I don’t think I did this and I don’t remember why.
- Friday – Cross Train – I think I should just change this to a rest day on my calendar since I almost always bail. There’s a yoga class I really want to try on Friday’s, but it’s at 5:30, which is dinner time. I actually planned to go this week, but we went a picked up my wedding ring from the jeweler instead (I had to have it sized down).
- Saturday – Long 12 – I totally bailed and spent the weekend with my family and I’m not at all guilty about it. Two of my friends had babies last week, so I baked cookies for both of them, took dinner to one, and got lots of baby snuggle time. Totally worth it and my legs will be even more rested for Space Coast.
- Sunday – Rest
Previous marathon training workout recaps: