I haven’t been posting much, I was overwhelmed with getting the house ready to sell, then running myself ragged trying to keep it clean for showings, then just exhausted when the whole thing was over. I also fell into a really bad habit of not working out. It’s crazy how easy it is to fall off of the fitness bandwagon. Skipping a workout here and there can quickly turn into excuse after excuse for why you can’t manage to get a run in or pop in a yoga dvd for half an hour.
Well, no more. No more slacking.. now it’s time for streaking!
Runners World magazine announced their 2013 Summer Challenge – a running streak from Memorial Day to Independence day. You run at least a mile, every single day. As soon as I read about it, I knew this was a perfect way to get me out of my slacking slump. I mean really, who doesn’t have time for a measly mile? On a good day, I can get it done in under eight minutes. I know I can find eight minutes in my day!
I joined a Challenge Loop group to help keep me motivated and I’m excited to say that I’m on Day 4 and so far have not missed a day! I’m hoping that streaking may help with my pace a bit too. On the days that I’m not doing longer runs (cross training and rest days), I plan to try to run a mile as fast as I can. I did it for Day 2 and clocked in at 7:56. I’m excited to see what I can get my pace down to!
What do you do when you’re in a slump?
Are you participating in the Summer Run Streak?