Happy Halloween!
Braden has been looking forward to Halloween for a few weeks – he couldn’t wait to wear his costume and go trick or treating! I picked the kids up a bit early from school and we went to our neighborhood amenity center for a little Halloween party and costume contest. There are some seriously adorable children in our area.. and creative parents too!
The kids played until it was time to head home for dinner and trick or treating.
We had pizza from our local pizza place and headed out.
Mackenzie wasn’t really sure what to think, she mostly just hung out with Adam while Braden went visiting.
After a few houses, Braden decided he had enough and wanted to go back to the house to pass out candy. Such a sweet boy – he had more fun passing out candy to other kids than he did trick or treating. Makes me feel like we’re doing something right.
We got cold and the steady strem of trick-or-treaters slowed, so we went inside for donuts and cider, yum!
I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
Happy Gram!
The kids school sends these notes home on occasion, to let us know how the kids are doing or if they had a particularly good day. I love getting them, I love reading the wonderful things that the teachers have to say about the kids. I can’t tell you how nice it is to know that they are happy and loved while they are at school and I can’t be with them.
Mackenzie adores her teachers and I’m pretty sure the feeling is mutual
Introducing Spookly!
We carved and decorated our pumpkins tonight!
We tried to start off with Mackenzie’s.. but the decorating kit that we bought was too big for the pumpkin and Mackenzie was having more fun sticking the foam stickers to herself and the table, then attempting to eat the pumpkin, so we gave up and let her do her thing.
We moved on to Braden’s Captain America pumpkin. I’ve never used these little inserts before, but they were cute and super easy. I cut the holes and Braden pushed the parts in.
Next up was the big pumpkin that we were going to attempt to carve. We are far from pros, so we went with an easy design. Adam cut the top off, cleaned the inside out, and put the template on the pumpkin while Braden inspected his work.
Then it was time to carve!
All done! Braden decided to name his jack-o-lantern Spookly!
Yes, Spookly. As in Spookly the Square Pumpkin! What? You haven’t been watching it all month long?? Then he insisted that we needed candles to put it him right away. We ran to the store to pick them up and put Spookly, Captain America, and Mackenzie’s not quite a cat pumpkin out on the porch.. and I failed to take a picture. Tomorrow, promise!