Happy Birthday Braden!!!
Braden and Mackenzie were up bright and early, ready to celebrate.. or wrestle on the air mattress.. you know, whatever..
We stopped for breakfast at the buffet in the hotel (which had everything you could imagine on it, and was delicious!) and B started his day off with a celebratory glass of freshly squeezed Florida OJ!
A quick wardrobe change and showing off the super hero muscles..
And we were off to the pool! Forgive me for the rest of the pictures from the day. We (and when I say we, I mean Adam) packed the wrong camera charger, so I was left with only my iPhone to take pictures. Boo! Anyway, we were really worried earlier this week because all Braden kept talking about was swimming in the hotel pool and it was supposed to rain all weekend. Thankfully, the rain held off and it actually worked out well. It wasn’t unbearably hot and we were able to relax and enjoy the afternoon.
Mackenzie would like you to know that the pool water was just a bit cool for her liking!
Braden’s favorite part of the pool? The water slide! He absolutely LOVED it!
Next up – time for the hot tub!
And then some fun in the sand..
We were all pretty beat and hungry, so we decided to head inside and get ready for an early dinner. When we’re in Orlando, we try to make it a point to go to Chevy’s. I worked there in high school and college (at the one in Orange Park) and I love their salsa. We figured Braden would get a kick out of their birthday sombrero and singing, plus he loves quesadillas.. so we were off!
There was a guy going around making balloon animals for the kid.. B picked out a red t-rex.. his favorite color and favorite dinosaur in one! I guess the dinosaurs last night didn’t scar him too bad.
Mackenzie discovered a new love.. freshly made quesadillas right off of el machino! She went to town on them!
B absolutely LOVES for you to sing happy birthday to him.. throw in a fried ice cream and a sombrero, and you get a big cheesy grin!
After dinner, we headed back to Downtown Disney to wander around for a bit. Braden picked out a birthday present from my parents in the Lego store and had fun racing his Lego car.
And then, ice cream, round 2! You can’t go to Downtwon Disney and not get ice cream at Ghirardelli. It’s just too good. Braden told us he wanted vanilla, so we ordered it for him, but when they brought out my moms strawberry and chocolate cone, he changed his mind and took hers. Thankfully, she didn’t mind eating his vanilla with hot fudge and sprinkles.
All in all, I’d say he had a pretty great 4th birthday! Happy Birthday Braden!! You’re such an amazing little guy and we are so blessed to have you! I’m so glad that I get to be your mama, I really am a lucky girl. I love you, sweet B!
Braden’s Birthday Eve!
For the last few weeks, we have been asking Braden what he wants for his birthday. He hasn’t changed his mind once. All he wants is to stay in a hotel and play in the pool. Except it sounds like “I want to go to the HOE-tel!” It cracks me up every time I hear it!
We did Daytona just a few months back, so we decided to go to Orlando for the weekend. I booked a room at the Orlando World Center Marriott – they had a nice pool, a sand area, and close to Downtown Disney.
Friday after we checked into the hotel, we headed to T-Rex Cafe to meet some of Adam’s cousins for dinner. We took Braden here the last time we came to the area and it totally freaked him out. We were hoping that since he’s older and really into dinosaurs, he would love it.. no such luck. Still totally freaked out by the dinosaurs. Oh well!
Mackenzie wasn’t a fan either..
Braden’s spirits were definitely lifted when the wait staff came out singing to him and carrying a HUGE dessert tray with smoke. His eyes were HUGE!
We gobbled up the (delicious!) dessert..
And then headed over to the Build-a-Dino part of the gift shop. B asked very sweetly before dinner if he could build one and I told him if he was good during dinner.. and he was..
Mackenzie was a huge fan of the T-Rex, which Braden named Alex, so he made her a pink brachiosaurus named Isabella.
We made it back to the hotel just in time to see the fireworks at Epcot..
And B went to bed for the very last time as a 3-year-old!