Last night was not fun, at all. I was sitting in bed snuggling with Mackenzie and she made a weird noise, the next thing I knew, she projectile vomited all over herself, me, the bed, and the floor. It’s amazing how much stuff can come out of such a little person. Adam got everything cleaned up while Mackenzie and I hopped in the shower. She scared me in there because he started shaking, in guessing she was cold or scared. I’m not sure, I turned up the heat on the water and she snuggled onto my chest and fell asleep. We put clean jammies on her and I sat up and rocked her for about an hour I make sure she was alright, then put her to bed.
Three hours later, same thing happened again. Poor kiddo just wanted to nurse but couldn’t keep anything down. She got up around 7 and tried to eat, I thought it might stay down.. Nope, she threw up all over the clean clothes hanging on the bottom shelf in my closet while I was in there picking out what to wear.
I called the pediatrician. Usually they just tell you to keep them hydrated and you don’t have to go in, but since she is so little, not keeping anything down, and it’s a holiday weekend, they had me bring her in. She was so sad and sleepy all morning while we got ready. She just wanted to sit and snuggle and was so out of it. Totally not like her, she is usually so happy and such a wiggle worm.

We got to the doctors office and her temp was 100.0 but she was all smile and giggles for the nurse, despite the fact that she hadn’t really eaten since the night before.

When Dr. Shaw came in she went back to fussy, clingy, and unhappy. Poor thing has an ear infection and a stomach bug. She put her on a stronger antibiotic and told us to give pedialyte for her next two meals, then to try nursing again.
Umm yeah, Mackenzie was not having that. She refused the bottle. We got home and I let her nurse a bit, then waited a half hour to make sure it didn’t come back up. Repeated that for the next few hours and thankfully she kept the milk and her meds down. Hopefully she is feeling better tomorrow so we don’t have to cancel our trip to Bainbridge to celebrate Christmas with my family. I hate that she isn’t feeling well