Today was Adam’s last day home with us – we mostly just relaxed around the house and got lots of sweet baby snuggles We ventured out for our first dinner as a family of four at O’Charley’s. It was really nice to get out of the house, we’ve been cooped up all week. I forgot how much stuff you have to lug around for a baby though, yikes!
Daddy’s Last Day Home
First Check Up! She’s Perfect!
Mackenzie had her first check-up with her pediatrician this morning. When we were discharged from the hospital, she was down to 8lb, 4oz. This afternoon she was back up to 8lb, 6oz! Yay for mama’s milk!
She was also a bit jaundiced, so Dr. Egan sent us over to the Seton Center at St. Vincents to have her bili level checked again. The results were slightly elevated, but within a comfortable rangs, so we are going back on Thursday to have it checked again to ensure that it is going down.
Besides that, Mackenzie is just perfect!
Welcome Home, Baby Girl!
We brought Mackenzie home from the hospital today! I was so excited for Braden to see her again and to see how he would react to her being at the house. He still loves her and was so excited to get a chance to hold her.
My parents, my brother and Adam’s mom were all here for her arrival. My parents cooked dinner for all of us and brought it over and we mostly just relaxed around the house.