I can’t believe I’m already 24 weeks pregnant.. this pregnancy is FLYING by. I have caught a glimpse of my belly in the mirror a few times and I’m like woooah buddy, what the heck is that. Yes, I actually forget that I’m pregnant. It’s crazy! I’m loving it though, even with all of the stress and craziness in our lives right now, I love having this little girl in my belly and feeling her wiggle and squirm around. It’s so amazing, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of the kicks.
These pictures make me wish I was a kid again. Who knew that a silly little sprinkler could make you SO happy??
We’re Home!
We’re home! I was about to burst to get to B’s school to pick him up, I missed him like crazy! Apparently he had a great time with his grandparents though because he didn’t seem to realize we were even gone.. he did like the loads of candy we brought home for him though!