Baby Noni

So, when I was pregnant with Braden, we referred to him as McLovin’. Superbad had just come out.. I know it’s awful, but it stuck. Thankfully nobody has called him McLovin’ in a LONG time! :) Anyway, until recently this little girl in my belly didn’t have a name. Well, she has a name.. but we’re just not telling anyone ’til she is born :) I suppose B got tired of us just calling her the baby, so he started calling her Baby Noni.. after his most favorite food ever.. noni and cheese (aka macaroni and cheese). Silly? Yes.. but, it’s better than McLovin’!

So anyway, Baby Noni loves pineapple. It’s one of the few things that I seriously LOVE this pregnancy (you know, besides the sweet little baby kicks and punches). So when Adam suggested Teriyaki Chicken, I suggested grilled pineapple as a side – YUM!!

I love that the weather is finally nice enough for us to start grilling again!

Sand Table

Braden got this sand table a while back, but we never actually put sand in it (I know, we’re slacker parents). We didn’t have a whole lot planned for today, so we ran up to the store and got sand.. Braden was in heaven! He absolutely LOVES it.. he seriously stayed outside for nearly 2 hours playing in the sand!

Halfway Done!

Here’s my 20-week belly! I can’t believe I’m already halfway through this pregnancy – it is FLYING by! Last I checked, I’m still down about 2 pounds, but my appetite has come back big time, so I doubt that will be the case much longer :)

It’s a..


For sure – like 100% sure (well, as close to 100% as you can be with an ultrasound) this time! She wasn’t shy at all and let us get a good look so I finally saw the 3 little lines.

She is healthy and weighs about 10oz right now. She’s also head down and really low, the tech said her head is basically right on top of my bladder, which explains why I pee every 10 minutes. I also have an anterior placenta, which means it is on the front of my belly. She iss kicking like crazy, I just can’t feel it because the placenta is kind of like a pillow between her and the outside world. That’s good, since Braden still likes to use me as a jungle gym. He’s still learning to be gentle with the baby in my belly.

We were downtown at Regional Obstetric Consultants for the ultrasound because of Adam’s kidney issues when he was little, so they spent a good bit of time checking hers out and they look great, so yay!

We went to the St. John’s Town Center afterward for lunch and to shop a bit.. our bank account is already hurting, there are SO many more cute options for little girls!

Here are the pictures:

Full Body

Sweet Little Face

Itty Bitty Feet

The official “It’s a Girl” shot.


And here’s a short video from the ultrasound:

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