I’m sitting here going through pictures of Braden’s first few days home and it is so hard for me to believe that it was two years ago.. that my baby is TWO! How did that happen?! When did he go from my squishy, snuggly little newborn into this crazy kid running circles around me squealing at the top of his lungs? Time goes by so incredibly fast, and it seems that with little ones around, it really flies.
Watching Braden grow into this little person has been the most rewarding and amazing thing I have ever done. I love to just sit and watch him, especially when he doesn’t realize that I am watching. I love watching him him chase Buddy and Sammy around the house squealing. I love snuggling up on the couch with him to watch “Momas” or “Memo”. I love how he hugs himself SO tight to tell us he loves us. I love when he climbs into our bed, pats the pillow next to him and says “Mommy – nigh, nigh!”. I especially love when he gives me sweet little kisses on my forehead for no reason at all. I love the little boy that he is and I can’t wait to see who he will become
Okay enough for the sappiness, on to the pictures, which I know is what you really want to see! I can’t bring myself to make Braden go to school on his birthday, so like last year, I took the day off to hang out with him. We invited a few of his little friends over and pulled out his baby pool for them to splash around in. It’s the same four boys that we got together with last year.
Aiden, Christopher, Jack & Braden
Jack, Christopher, Braden & Aiden
We thought it was hard to get a picture of four 1-year-old’s last year, but I can honestly say I think it is even harder to get a picture of four 2-year-olds! We tried to get them all standing, this is one of the many attempts.
Maybe we’ll have better luck next year when they are all 3 Anyway, back to our day, the boys had a blast splashing around in the pool.
And then we took a break for a snack, where Aiden ate his body weight in blueberries..
And Jack devoured a juice box..
And Braden tried to cool off with some ice..
And then decided that drinking from the hose was way cooler than a juice box..
Then they all played on B’s swingset for a bit..
After that, the moms decided it was probably a good idea to do lunch and head home, since it was getting close to nap time. Seriously, how cute are they?!
Braden was sad to see his friends go..
After he got up from his nap, Daddy came home from work and Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner. We had birthday cupcakes, which B was definitely a fan of.
B spent some more time splashing around in his pool (hey, it was an easy way to get the icing cleaned up!) and of course I made him pose for a family birthday picture.
Finally, it was bathtime and bedtime.
And Adam and I.. yeah, we got a glimpse of those “Terrible Two’s” that you hear so much about! I have a feeling its going to be a great year though!
Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet baby boy! Mommy and Daddy love you SO much and we are so blessed to have such an amazing, kind and loving little boy. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this year!