I’m perfect!
Seriously – Dr. V told me so! (again!)
I had my 37-week check-up this morning, everything is great Urinalysis was good, blood pressure was 100/68, weight gain is right on track (still at 17 lbs). I forgot to ask him what I was measuring at this week and he didn’t say.. oops! I got the results of the Group B Strep test back too; I’m GBS-, yay for no antibiotics during labor!!
They offered to check me (to see if I’m dialated or effaced at all) since I’ve been having contractions, but I said no. Mostly because it increases the risk of infection, but also because it really doesn’t tell you anything. My mom walked around dialated to 3cm with me for 6 weeks. I’d hate to get my hopes up then be miserable.
Dr. V said that McLovin’s head is really low and told us when we need to call them, yikes! I don’t go back until June 9th (because Adam’s work schedule is a pain), I’ll be 39 weeks exactly then.. ahhhhhhhhh!!!