This is from the 3D pregnancy site.. its pretty much the story of my life these days!
How are you sleeping at night? You probably sleep less soundly than you did before you were pregnant. This is normal but that is of not much use to you. Due to your tiny bladder, your calf cramps, the kicks to the ribs and your belly that gets in the way, it is difficult to stay asleep throughout the entire night. You can usually get to sleep if you have found a comfortable position with all the pillows arranged around you, but sleeping through the night.. forget it! Lying on your back doesn’t work at all and turning is no pleasure either. Moreover, you sleep so lightly that anything will wake you up. Once you are awake it will take hours for you to doze off again – at least that’s how it feels to you.
A kick in your bladder and you have to go to the bathroom again; it feels like your bladder is filling up all the time. And then it’s hard to relax and go back to sleep. Do you frequently have weird, scary dreams also? (YES!) More than usual? It’s all part of the process. Unconsciously, you worry about how it will all go. Can you bring up a child and look after him, how will the expectant dad do and how will the dogs react? Will trying to combine work and taking care of the baby be too much for you? You are confronted with worries and small problems, things that don’t bother you at all during the day seem like huge obstacles at night.