199 days to go!! Time is going by SO fast.. only 11 days until my next ultrasound!
I need a nap.. this growing a baby thing is wearing me out! 3 hours ’til I can leave work and go home and sleep!
SuperBad comes out on December 4th.. I crack up everytime I see McLovin’ in the commercials.. I can’t believe we’re calling our future child that, it really is cruel and unusual punishment.. here’s the picture of the fake ID from the movie..
Trimming the Tree
We got our Christmas tree up last night – yay!! We keep saying that we’re going to buy a new tree because ours looks so small with our high celings.. yet we never do! Oh well, I think it looks good! I can’t believe its almost December.. yikes!

Adam getting the lights started

Sammy helping Daddy untangle the lights

Buddy thinks he’s too cool to help out.. he’ll pose real cute though

All done!!
Why God is a Man
I saw this on Baby Gaga this morning and it made me laugh..