32 Week Ultrasound

We had the rescan today (at the first one her face was buried in the placenta) and got much better pictures.. not great, since she’s super squished now, but I love them! I just want to kiss her cheeks!!

And the best news – she’s head down!!!! Now she just needs to stay that way!

It’s a..


For sure – like 100% sure (well, as close to 100% as you can be with an ultrasound) this time! She wasn’t shy at all and let us get a good look so I finally saw the 3 little lines.

She is healthy and weighs about 10oz right now. She’s also head down and really low, the tech said her head is basically right on top of my bladder, which explains why I pee every 10 minutes. I also have an anterior placenta, which means it is on the front of my belly. She iss kicking like crazy, I just can’t feel it because the placenta is kind of like a pillow between her and the outside world. That’s good, since Braden still likes to use me as a jungle gym. He’s still learning to be gentle with the baby in my belly.

We were downtown at Regional Obstetric Consultants for the ultrasound because of Adam’s kidney issues when he was little, so they spent a good bit of time checking hers out and they look great, so yay!

We went to the St. John’s Town Center afterward for lunch and to shop a bit.. our bank account is already hurting, there are SO many more cute options for little girls!

Here are the pictures:

Full Body

Sweet Little Face

Itty Bitty Feet

The official “It’s a Girl” shot.


And here’s a short video from the ultrasound: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1cpFH_4esE

It’s a..

So remember like two weeks ago when I said we weren’t sure if we were going to find out if this little one was a boy or a girl? Some of you laughed at me and said there’s no way I’ll wait and I told you I would. You were right. I caved and we had an elective ultrasound this morning to find out.. the tech is 99% sure that it is a girl but our little one STILL kept its legs crossed, so she was never able to get the “money shot”. She kept showing us the 3 lines that indicate a girl, but I had absolutely no clue what I was looking at. Adam’s convinced, but I’m holding out ’til our next scan on February 23rd.. hopefully this baby cooperates then! Here are the pictures..

It’s a Girl?

The first one is a shot of the baby’s face and the second one is apparently a leg and the arrow is pointing to the “girl parts” and I’m not sure what happened to the other leg.. it’s there somewhere though :)


We had our appointment for the ultrascreen with Regional Obstetric Consultants this morning. The test is an ultrasound where they measure the back of the baby’s neck and look for the nasal bone, then a finger prick where they do a panel of blood work. It was great to get another peek at our little one! The perinatologist said that everything looks great and we appear to have a healthy baby! The blood work all came back normal too, yay! They offered to take an early guess at the gender, but we declined, we aren’t sure if we are going to find out yet. Good thing too, since we have a stubborn little one that kept its legs crossed the entire time!

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