
Do you ever have those days where you just wonder if you’re invisible?  I don’t know what was going on yesterday, but I seriously felt like I was.  To explain, I need to rewind a bit though.. to this..

That happened Saturday night.  We’d been at the Magic Kingdom all day.  Usually we walk to the parking lot (it’s so much faster!) but the kids wanted to ride the tram, so Adam took the stroller and walked and I took the kids on the tram.

The parking lot was busier than usual so I had both kids by the hand when we got off of the tram.  I’m guessing at some point my phone fell out of my back pocket?  I realized I didn’t have it when we got to the car and Adam went back to find it and it was in the tram lane and had clearly seen better days.

You can’t go to Disney and not get Mickey ice cream!

Oops!  Oh well, accidents happen.  Sadly, I’m no stranger to this kind (I break my phone at least once every month and a half or so..) Anyway, I had Braden with me yesterday because he was home “sick” (I’ll get to that in a minute) from school.

Around lunch time, we went and dropped my phone off to be fixed and then went to Starbucks to wait for it.  As we were walking in, a lady that had just driven past us in the parking lot decided to back up and backed right into me.  It was just a little tap and she had that panicked “oh my God what did I do look” so I just laughed and waved at her to let her know I was fine and we went inside.

On our way back out, we were walking through the parking lot and another lady nearly ran us over.  Like, she was maybe two inches away from me.  Seriously, what the heck?!  I was just walking along, holding B’s hand, minding my own business.. and she just flew right past us.  A couple that had just pulled in saw it happen and the guy rolled his window down and said to me “I guess you’re invisible?!”  Hmm, guess so!

It was just odd that it happened twice, in less than an hour.  It made me think about a book I recently read, Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult.  I won’t spoil it for you but I will tell you it was a great book and you should definitely read it!

So, back to Braden being home “sick”.  This is the most ridiculous thing ever.  Yesterday morning, the school called and said he needed to be picked up because he had a fever.  Braden was his normal, energetic self right up until it was time to leave for school.  As soon as we asked him to get his jacket and backpack, he said he didn’t feel good and didn’t want to go to school.  He knows the drill – I check his temperature and if he doesn’t have one, he has to go to school.  (Unless he’s obviously sick.)  I checked it before they left and he was fine.  I told him, as I do most mornings, to let his teacher know if he doesn’t feel well and that she will decide if he needs to go to the clinic.

This picture has nothing to do with B being sick, but it’s cute!

I was surprised when the nurse called to tell us he had a fever and naturally felt terrible for sending him to school, as I tend to err on the side of caution with illnesses.  The last thing I want is to have my sick kid at school, not feeling well and possibly infecting others.  When he got home, I took his temperature again and it was 98.9.

So at 8:10, as he was leaving for school he didn’t have a fever.. then he did around 9:20 at the school clinic.. but then it’s miraculously resolved by 9:30 when he is home?  I’m not a doctor, but that doesn’t seem likely.

This morning Braden was once again his normal, energetic self so it didn’t occur to me to keep him home.  When the nurse called and said that we needed to pick him up because he had to be fever-free for 24 hours, I told her I am aware of the policy and agree with it, but he never had a fever yesterday.  She disagreed, said it was 100, and that I had to come get him.  She also mentioned that 14 children were sent home with a fever yesterday so clearly something was going around.  I’m not one to argue, so I told her I was on my way and went to get him.

Too cute to be sick!

I’m really frustrated though.  He’s now missing two days of school when he is absolutely fine.  He has two unexcused absences for no reason at all and there’s nothing we can do about it.  If there were 14 other kids that were sick, is it possible the nurse was confused about which ones had a fever when she was checking them?  Perhaps the thermometer they are using is faulty, or.. I don’t even know what else it could be?

I emailed the teacher and she’s looking into it and forwarded my concerns on to the principal, so hopefully it is resolved soon.  Sorry to go on about that for so long, it just really bugs me.  Apparently today is one of those days where everything bugs me though, because I’ve been annoyed approximately 454,534,546 times today.. so I’m going to go for now!

I hope everyone is having a great week!  I’m almost done with my ZOOMA recap so hopefully I’ll have that ready tomorrow!

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6 thoughts on “Invisible”

  1. Girlfriend you deserved that Starbucks after all that!!! Hope your week gets better!!!
    Kristen @ The Smith Summary recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Blog 2015My Profile

  2. I hate those days where everything is annoying. I am glad B is ok, though, and I hope you get some kind of resolution for the issue.

    And that phone! Yikes!
    Jenn recently posted…january in reviewMy Profile

    1. Apparently it is going to be one of those weeks around here – BLAH!!! :)

      He’s good, I actually just got off the phone with his teacher and I love her. The school nurse called me earlier today to “talk about their policies and thermometers” — whatever that means. I’ve been on conference calls all day though and unable to call her back.

      The phone.. it’s.. well, it survived! The ear piece sounds all funky and neither of the cameras work and the fingerprint unlocked thing on the home button doesn’t work either.. We’re getting the camera fixed as soon as the part comes in (can’t do without that!!) and then we get new phones in September so hopefully I can keep it from being run over again until then!!

  3. Sorry that those things all had to happen to you! It’s really frustrating especially about the school because it’s out of your control. You can’t force them to let him go to school. I’m glad you emailed the teacher – that’s what I would have done! Hopefully it was just a mix up, but still. And seriously, you better stay safe girl!! Jeez, I would have ran after that driver for you!
    Char @ Run Happy recently posted…What Products I’m Ready to TryMy Profile

    1. His teacher was really great about the whole thing, I love her. She sent him to the office for a good reason (his belly hurt) but the whole fever thing is what is really bugging me. The school nurse called me earlier, I need to call her back, I just haven’t had a chance yet.

      I do not understand my trouble with cars lately! Did I tell you at ZOOMA that I almost got hit there too?? A very sweet lady grabbed me so it didn’t happen! I’m beginning to wonder what is going on! The ZOOMA thing was totally my fault, I was waving to a little girl and not looking at the road, but yesterday I definitely looked!

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